Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life has happened...or is in the process of happening at least!

Wow, it sure has been a while!! I currently feel as though I am busier right now than I was in college (but that's not accurate because my college days started around 8 am and lasted until about 2 or 3 am...It's not quite that bad). But I am finally starting to realize that real life is really upon me! I'm not sure when this realization hit. I've been waiting for it to come, and I still don't think that it will feel really real until I am working at a job from 9-5 (approximately) five days a week (and when everyone else starts to head back down to school, and I will remain here in St. Charles (for the time being anyway)). But for now, I have been busy trying to become a grownup. Yet I still use the phrase "...when I grow up..." to my Mom concerning all things I plan to do/have when I "grow up." I guess the time is starting now, and I'm just not starting to realize this. Weird! Some people get upset or depressed when they think about the fact. Somehow, I've been the odd one out when it comes to growing up. I'm excited. Beyond excited, and I have been for quite some time now. Strange?! I suppose it is sort of, but I am just so excited to see what great things my life has in store for me, and I am so excited to start a this new and exciting part of my life with Tim [and Bentley too of course :)]! It's not that I am not trying in all attempts to live each and every day to the absolute fullest, like I feel like I consistently have been preached and have consistently preached to others as well [along with not taking things for granted], but my entire life I have looked forward, and looked to see what potential opportunities could come out of wherever I may be going or whatever it is I may be doing. Just last night, Tim and I had this very talk at dinner. Discussing our future, and how exciting it will be our first night living together and making dinner together in a place to call our own, and where we will be in our career paths. Despite the fact that we may not be right where we want to be at the start of everything, whether it is within our jobs and careers or where we are living, it's a start to something new together, and it's all the more motivation to get us to where we really truly want to be. It might take time, but I have a feeling that it will pay off. I'm not sure when, but soon enough. In the meantime, I'm anxious yet excited for the adventures to be had along the way. Life's an adventure. Why not treat it like one!? SO many things have happened in the past few weeks (hence why I have had zero time for any new posts!) from working two part time jobs, to continuing the job search, interviews, spending time with family and friends, and of course wedding planning (PS - I bought my dress!!!...and wedding blog is to be coming soon I promise...again it's the time thing killing me here. Just not enough hours in a day!!). Anyway, my point is, I have come to realize that it's each of these things that is helping me to grow each day, and learn more about myself, and what I want most in my life and in my future and just how to get myself there. I'm working on it day by day! As always, I truly can't wait to see what comes next. It could be anything, and I'll take it with a grain of salt. I'm living life, and truly taking each day for what it's worth. I'm so thankful for my amazing family (dogs included of course), fiance, and friends, and I am even more thankful knowing that I have each of these to support me in what I want to do, and someone amazing to start the next step in my life with...together. I. can. not. wait. Here's to the future, and making it celebration of the so called [POSTGRAD] life : ) Best of luck to those of you who are in the same boat and doing nothing but trying to make it happen. I'm a firm believer that if you at least put your heart into it (and maybe give a little) something will work out in the end. And for me, I have a feeling it may not be exactly as I had always imagined in this so-called planned out life of mine, but I do have a feeling I will come to love whatever it is I find myself doing (which of course I hope that will be planning events someday ;) ), but we shall see! Looking forward to whatever the future may hold while trying my best to still live in today : )

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