Tuesday, November 16, 2010

He calls it UNmarketing. I like the way he thinks.

"Bloggers blog because they have a passion for something." I LOVE this. And I heard it from one of the greatest speakers I have yet to hear...Scott Stratten, President and author of UnMarketing, in the basement of Blueberry Hill...otherwise known as The Duck Room. I was there with @StLScialMedia  (Elizabeth Liebel), the one other in my life whom I can relate to 100% when it comes to a passion for all things social media, PR and marketing. 
The basis of this whole UnMarketing concept, is simply to go back to the basics. UNlearn what you've learned already. Marketing via Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media should not be brain science. It's easy, and if not correctly, it's an amazing way to market not only yourself, but your company or your business...which leads me to exactly what I am doing today. As many of you very well know, I am a social media addict. If I'm not signed on to both Twitter and Facebook on my computer, I'm always signed on on my iPhone. I update my own personal Twitter account possibly more than one should...if that's even possible?! I'm marketing myself. "We don't choose to market, we're marketing all the time." Not only do I want to share my life and interests with  my family and friends and others in cyberspace, but I am networking and meeting so many great new people and learning so many great new things to help me with what I am currently doing and to get exactly where I want to be in the future. I currently manage all of the social media accounts for my family's company, Performance Plus, Inc., and there is way more to actually making it work than putting up a new post here and there. Thanks to UnMarketing, I've learned more great new strategies to keep things growing from tonight's UnMarketing Unbook Tour in the Loop. SO glad Mr. Stratten made a visit to STL! Here are some of my tweets from some of the great statements he made tonight...it's the best way to explain some of the awesome stuff I learned, simply put. I tweet a lot as it is...imagine my fingers to that phone all night tonight! And, Mr. Stratten, if you happen to be reading...I am obsessed with your I # STL T-shirt and am dying to have one in pink. I'm assuming you have yours made for each city you visit? I'm going to need to figure out how to get one of these for myself : ) 
I am quite possibly obsessed with social media. 

"We used to call it talking." : )

Tonight's Twitter Timeline: 

Oh no barely any service in the duck room!! 
Sitting front row with @ waiting for this show to get started!! 
@ woooo  so glad we're here together!!! : )
Thanks @ my nametag says @. Should I be embarrassed?! 
@ just got a mention on the screen at the @  tour. Sweet!! : ) 
@ I think I'll write a book while the kids are at school
Dying phone. So Not good!! 
Missing "Jingle All The Way" on HBO Family for @tonight. It better be on demand.
@ @ Totally hitting on me. In the Duck Room. 
I # STL. Obsessed! I love this!! 
Marketing is not a task. 
We don't choose to market. Were marketing all the time. 
People dont spread meh. People spread Awesome. Thanks for the sign : ) 
You blog when youve got Something to say. People blog because they have a passion 
Why we spread emotion hasn't changed. How we spread emotion has changed. 
I literally love social media 
Lets get better at now before we look at tomorrow. 
Don't write frequently; write awesome 
A list is more valuable than a click 
Social media just amplifies things. It doesn't make Anything better
Social media success doesn't exist 
Agreed! “@: This stuff is too good to try to tweet everything I love the @ tour 
Know, like, trust. Social media increases all 3 of these things
We've got to learn to grow to 40 first before we grow to 40,000
Getting retweeted builds follows but replies build relationships
We used to call it talking. Ha 
Should we use it? Should we not!!? 
Four popped collars...that's a quad pop ha love this! 
@ We may or may not have been the mannequins tonight haha
It takes 1000 tweets to build a reputation and one to ruin it 
The best way to get Twitter followers is to not try to get them
I too am really bad at turning Twitter off!! 
RT @: Quote: "@ is the greatest pizza in the world...bring it " -@ 
The internets awesome and when you piss off a geek it rules. Haha love this 
If you don't have time for your medium, remove yourself from the medium. @ 
I loved everything about tonight. I was totally in my element. 
And I am now dying for a pink I # STL Tshirt. Where can I find this? 

For those non-Twitter users out there, you probably have no idea how to even follow this...but for those of you who do, Follow me!! (@KaseyADPi) : ) 


  1. Thanks for coming by last night Kasey, glad you had fun.

    We actually had the shirts made here at STLtweets.com to share the awesomeness of STL. I'm sure if you get enough people to make noise we could work on a pink one. Until then I've got a blue one with your name on it if you want it. :)

    Happy tweeting!
    -Brad (@JavaSTL)

  2. I'm going to have to work on that, and I may just have to take you up on the offer for a blue one!!

    Thanks for the comment!!
    @KaseyADPi : )
