Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last Day!

My last day of my internship is officially TOMORROW!! I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone, and that I'm almost officially done with one of the last stages as a college student. I am asked today the second after I post about tomorrow being my last day at my internship, "What's next?!" My reply? "Graduate from college...and then we'll see!" I've been doing some searching and applying, but no luck just yet. Again with the craziness and busyness of this semester, I have had far less time than I had hoped. My original plan for this apparently "free" last semester of college was to use all of my apparent spare time to do nothing but search for jobs. Wrong. The only time I've really had time, is times like now...midnight and I have to be at work or class early the next morning. I will definitely be devoting a good deal of my Summer searching for jobs. I neeeeeed one soon because A. I am officially a poor college student, soon to be poor college graduate (postgrad of course) and B. I will literally have NO idea what to do without having class, a job, an internship, meetings, SOMETHING to go to every single day! A lot of big changes are certainly in store!
I should go to bed now. I'll keep you posted on how the last day goes.
Oh and side note, my absolute favorite color is pink. I wear a lot of pink and own a lot of pink things (even pens and Post-Its). They've definitely noticed at my internship and comment on a frequent basis...one of the workers even stated that the next intern must be asked in their interview what their favorite color is...in hopes that the answer is pink.
My point? I'm wearing a pink tomorrow in honor of my last day : )

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