Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Officially DONE!!

Today was officially my LAST day at my internship!!! I can't believe I have finally completed 180 hours and another three credits. Granted it was a lot of time out of the semester, and all for was an amazing experience that I am glad I was given the opportunity to partake in. I learned so much more at my internship at the Southeast Missourian than I ever imagined I would. While there, I had the opportunity to face real life, day-to-day experiences. I was treated more like a full time employee than an intern, which I loved. I got to sit in on meetings and webinars and go out on sales calls. I met so many great people in the process of it all. When I came in today, Stevie, who works in the department I interned in (and whom I LOVED having the opportunity to work alongside for most of this semester), had breakfast sitting at my computer waiting for me!! Including caramel flavored coffee since she knows I don't like the plain stuff : ) I was not expecting that at all. So nice! Then at the end of the day, Les, who also works in the department, gave me his "Socialnomics" book that I have been eyeing all semester...I borrowed it for a couple of weeks then told him I was definitely going to buy it this Summer when I went back home...and he gave me it me before I left! I don't think people realize how much it's just the littlest gestures like that that really make a difference, and that really made my day. : )
I have enjoyed all of the amazing experiences I have had at my internship these past few months, and thanks to that, I now feel much more prepared to face the real world. Bring it on! : )

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