Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mixed Emotions

The time is finally coming...graduation is officially close! And I am definitely starting to have mixed emotions about this whole thing! I haven't been able to write anything in the past couple of weeks because I have been so busy preparing for graduation and trying to finish out all of my classes. This past week was Senior Week for ADPi. I have absolutely loved all of the experiences I have had throughout the past four years of college, especially when it comes to ADPi, but this past year I have felt myself starting to separate and realizing that I am ready to start growing up...sort of. I am so excited for so many things to come and to see what I will be doing in my future, even six months or a year from now. I have been counting down the day to graduation because I have been so busy with school and my internship this semester I have gotten to the point where I have wanted nothing more but to be done and on to the next thing. But this week, it has definitely hit me. I am still beyond excited, don't get me wrong, but I am far more sad about leaving than I thought I would be that's for sure. Now I'm at the point where I am not wanting to say I graduate next week, because that's almost too soon now! During one night of Senior Week, we read our senior wills and give away a lot of our old sorority and fraternity stuff that we have accumulated throughout the past four years. I was excited about this, until it came down to the point where I had to actually start writing my wills. At first I couldn't even start because I didn't know where to start, but then I just kept writing...and ended up with 12 pages of my senior wills when most people only have about 2 or 3. In Senior Wills we write about our experience in ADPi and usually give shout outs to girls in the chapter remembering stories and other fun times we've had. I'll attach mine in my next post.
Being an ADPi the past four years has taught me so much more than I ever could have imagined, and that's one of the biggest things I will be so sad to leave. I am ready and excited to experience it in a different light, as an alumna member and maybe even as an advisor someday, but for now, I like remembering all of the fun times I've had, the friends I have made, and the things that I have learned. Of course now is when I think of all of those little things I really will walking in Capaha Park and driving down Kingshighway and Broadway and even going to class (sometimes) ... as odd as that sounds. I feel like these past few weeks are dragging on now and making me think more and more about the fact that I'm about to graduate. Last weekend was AMAZING for one of my last weekends in college...Thursday night out with my class for our PR pub crawl, spending Friday night out with all of the ADPi seniors, the winery yesterday with my friends and all of our Mom's, celebrating my friend's 21st birthday last night, and BBQ at 701 Perry today. Now despite the few things I need to accomplish this last week and the need to pack up my room...I hope it's as fun as last. I'm not a fan of saying goodbye, I have come to I'm going to go with the "see ya later" that I never truly understood, but now I do. I can't wait for my family and Tim's family to be here Saturday to celebrate our graduation...then it's finally time to say See Ya Later to good old Cape Girardeau. Even just the thought is bittersweet.

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