Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I've sadly had little to no time to blog about my life or my upcoming wedding which is all I've really wanted to spend my time doing. BUT for those of you who are planning weddings while also working full time, moving and still finding a way to make time for not only yourself but for your family, your friends, and what about your FIANCE too (who knew!?), I'm sure you've found it's still hard to add in some of the other little things you love too, like read or write. With only two months left until the big day, I've found myself blogging little to none (well, none), but I have finally devoted a little time to working on my new blog, Live, Love & Laugh a Lot. It's a work in progress. I've only got the 'about me' done, and it's not even really done. I haven't even gotten to create my first post yet, but I'm getting there. No worries. In the meantime, checkout the link below. This is where you can find me now. More to come soon, I promise. Enjoy! : )

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

He calls it UNmarketing. I like the way he thinks.

"Bloggers blog because they have a passion for something." I LOVE this. And I heard it from one of the greatest speakers I have yet to hear...Scott Stratten, President and author of UnMarketing, in the basement of Blueberry Hill...otherwise known as The Duck Room. I was there with @StLScialMedia  (Elizabeth Liebel), the one other in my life whom I can relate to 100% when it comes to a passion for all things social media, PR and marketing. 
The basis of this whole UnMarketing concept, is simply to go back to the basics. UNlearn what you've learned already. Marketing via Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media should not be brain science. It's easy, and if not correctly, it's an amazing way to market not only yourself, but your company or your business...which leads me to exactly what I am doing today. As many of you very well know, I am a social media addict. If I'm not signed on to both Twitter and Facebook on my computer, I'm always signed on on my iPhone. I update my own personal Twitter account possibly more than one should...if that's even possible?! I'm marketing myself. "We don't choose to market, we're marketing all the time." Not only do I want to share my life and interests with  my family and friends and others in cyberspace, but I am networking and meeting so many great new people and learning so many great new things to help me with what I am currently doing and to get exactly where I want to be in the future. I currently manage all of the social media accounts for my family's company, Performance Plus, Inc., and there is way more to actually making it work than putting up a new post here and there. Thanks to UnMarketing, I've learned more great new strategies to keep things growing from tonight's UnMarketing Unbook Tour in the Loop. SO glad Mr. Stratten made a visit to STL! Here are some of my tweets from some of the great statements he made's the best way to explain some of the awesome stuff I learned, simply put. I tweet a lot as it is...imagine my fingers to that phone all night tonight! And, Mr. Stratten, if you happen to be reading...I am obsessed with your I # STL T-shirt and am dying to have one in pink. I'm assuming you have yours made for each city you visit? I'm going to need to figure out how to get one of these for myself : ) 
I am quite possibly obsessed with social media. 

"We used to call it talking." : )

Tonight's Twitter Timeline: 

Oh no barely any service in the duck room!! 
Sitting front row with @ waiting for this show to get started!! 
@ woooo  so glad we're here together!!! : )
Thanks @ my nametag says @. Should I be embarrassed?! 
@ just got a mention on the screen at the @  tour. Sweet!! : ) 
@ I think I'll write a book while the kids are at school
Dying phone. So Not good!! 
Missing "Jingle All The Way" on HBO Family for @tonight. It better be on demand.
@ @ Totally hitting on me. In the Duck Room. 
I # STL. Obsessed! I love this!! 
Marketing is not a task. 
We don't choose to market. Were marketing all the time. 
People dont spread meh. People spread Awesome. Thanks for the sign : ) 
You blog when youve got Something to say. People blog because they have a passion 
Why we spread emotion hasn't changed. How we spread emotion has changed. 
I literally love social media 
Lets get better at now before we look at tomorrow. 
Don't write frequently; write awesome 
A list is more valuable than a click 
Social media just amplifies things. It doesn't make Anything better
Social media success doesn't exist 
Agreed! “@: This stuff is too good to try to tweet everything I love the @ tour 
Know, like, trust. Social media increases all 3 of these things
We've got to learn to grow to 40 first before we grow to 40,000
Getting retweeted builds follows but replies build relationships
We used to call it talking. Ha 
Should we use it? Should we not!!? 
Four popped collars...that's a quad pop ha love this! 
@ We may or may not have been the mannequins tonight haha
It takes 1000 tweets to build a reputation and one to ruin it 
The best way to get Twitter followers is to not try to get them
I too am really bad at turning Twitter off!! 
RT @: Quote: "@ is the greatest pizza in the world...bring it " -@ 
The internets awesome and when you piss off a geek it rules. Haha love this 
If you don't have time for your medium, remove yourself from the medium. @ 
I loved everything about tonight. I was totally in my element. 
And I am now dying for a pink I # STL Tshirt. Where can I find this? 

For those non-Twitter users out there, you probably have no idea how to even follow this...but for those of you who do, Follow me!! (@KaseyADPi) : ) 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Living in a Facebook world

WOW! It has been way too long since I have been able to post anything! Life has been SO busy lately! But do you know what I do indeed of course find the time for? Facebook (and Twitter too of course). My work revolves around social media (Facebook and Twitter), and so does my life. I have an iPhone with both Facebook and Twitter always in the palm of my hand. I am a social media fanatic, and my family, fiance and all of my friends know that about me. One of my favorite things about Twitter especially is that I can write whatever I want, when I want to. I am one of those people that has a lot of random thoughts constantly running through my mind, and quite honestly, I want to express them. What better way than by writing a quick Twitter update!? I LOVE to write and wish so badly that I had more time to do it (ie. I haven't had time to write a full blog post apparently since September), but something such as Twitter still gives me the option to do just that in the limited amount of time that I have literally in the palm of my hand. What more could I ask for!? I'm sure so many of you saw Social Network the weekend it came out last month. I know I had been counting down the days to see it. It bewilders me to think that we really and truly are living in a world of Facebook and social media, but I'll be honest, I love every bit of it. This is a viral economy. It can certainly be dangerous at times if not handled in the proper manner, but if it's all used the right way, it can be AWESOME in so many ways! My title at work is Marketing Communications Coordinator. I do the social media. How crazy is it that we know have jobs everywhere consisting of Facebooking, tweeting and blogging all day? Facebook is powerful. I oftentimes wonder what our lives would be like today if we didn't have Facebook to turn to when we're bored, when we want to tell all of our 'friends' "what's on our minds", when we want to promote things, when we want to buy and sell things, when we want to show off pictures of what a fun weekend we had, when we want to promote our business or our product? What would we be doing? I try to think back on when I was in high school and Facebook had just become a new phenomenon, yet still not one big enough for all of us to catch on to, but boy did we ever catch on quickly. Instead of saying "call me" today...we tell people to "Facebook" us. Someone created this website (we all know the story), and it turned into a means of living for many (let's be honest...all) of us today. Tonight, I got a FB friend request from someone whom I have not talked to in several years...took me a while to actually realize who it was. I turned to Facebook where I was going to search the name...not realizing that I was already looking at my friend request. My point is...I don't even turn to Google or anything else, I automatically revert everything back to Facebook. It's a common search engine today. It's crazy! If you ever want to know what's going on...just check the newsfeed and you're quick to figure it out. Society and the way it's run change so quickly from time to time, but who knew this is what it would someday be like? The definition of all of us would be simply put by a profile page with photos and a 'wall.' I think it's awesome. I wouldn't have it any other way because there is so much potential in every aspect of it. I'm anxious to see how much further it can even possibly get. Because I'm sure there's more. There always is. There are still many out there who have not jumped on the social media band wagon, and that's fine, but when your own grandparents and aunts and uncles are your Facebook friends, you know it's something that truly everybody is a part of. I know that I would not have been able to stay in contact with nearly as many people as I do today if it weren't for Facebook. It makes things that much easier and more convenient for us all. Some say it's a bad thing, but more find the positives in it, and I'm definitely one of those. Now I need to get back to checking FB and Twitter before I put an end to this night : ) 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

“Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.”

Sex and the City, you're just too dang good. Do you ever come across quotes that do nothing other than inspire you? So many quotes that I read or hear have some way of coming into my life and inspiring me in one way or another. Based on my love for Sex and the City, I've heard this one a time or two before, but came across it once again tonight. At the perfect time. 

“Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.” - Sex and the City.

This quote couldn't be any more motivating at a time like this. After so much time spent knowing just what I want to do when I "grow up"...then not totally knowing...but then totally knowing...I've come to a point where I'm not sure whether I do know or not!? This past year, especially, has been weird for me. It hasn't been bad, just weird. Different. Lots of obstacles to face along the way, and I do like obstacles, but I think it comes to a point where one can only take so much, and then she just needs to stop to look around, and maybe even say no every once in a while. 

Just like the quote reads, sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past. What has happened in the past has happened, whether it be good or bad or something ultimately life changing, but there is nothing that we can do to change the past so we need to find a way to live with what the past has given us, and move on into the future. After all, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and even if we've made mistakes along the way, we take something and learn something from them to further help us in the future and lead us to where we want and/or need to be. 

We need to stop planning the future. This is hard for me. I have a hard time living day to day (heck, even hour to hour!) without having some sort of a plan. I need to learn, and am working at this, that sometimes it is alright to go with the flow and not have every second of every day of my life planned out. Based on what happens in my life each day, I suddenly plot out a whole new plan for my future and where I will be in how many years, etc. I have no idea where my life will lead me 6 months from now. How am I supposed to plan for that!? I of course want to have goals for my future, but to have it planned out to a tee (I'm talking where I live, where I work and in what position, being in another city, how soon kids will come...etc.) is probably something that I need to take day by day. What's meant to happen will happen, and it will be right for me, and if it's not, I'll figure out how to make it that way. (Side note...One thing I DO indeed know for sure, though, is that I will be married to the man of my dreams in less than NINE months!! :) ) 

Stop figuring out precisely how we feel. This is another tough one because lately I can't seem to figure out how I feel about a lot of things, especially with so many big life changes that have happened in the past year, all of which are beyond exciting, but it's still a lot to take in so fast! (No worries though, I know if there is one thing I do feel it is definitely EXCITED!!...Just trying to figure out all of the other emotions in the meantime! : ) ) 

Stop deciding exactly what we want. Again, I don't know what exactly I want anymore. Like I said, I tend to always think I have my whole life planned out, and I know exactly what I want and what I will have, but the way that things can change so quickly makes my opinion change on that as well. I honestly don't know exactly what I want with my life, like I thought I did, and for now, I'm just going to keep it that way. While I do what I can to figure out just what that may be, in the meantime, I'm just going to stick with not knowing for a while. Another new one for me, but for today, I don't think I really mind it all too much. I do know that ultimately I would love love LOVE to have my own event planning company, but that will take time, and lots of that leads me back to figuring things out along the way. (I also want to write a book! So that's two things right there I suppose :) ) 

And just see what happens. Here's where I just let life take hold of me and lead me in the direction I am supposed to be going. I'm going to try to not have a solid plan for once in my life and wait things out [for possibly the first time ever] and just see where life may lead. It's going to definitely take some time, and I of course know that I will not be able to say no to planning and deciding and analyzing for very long (It's in my nature...I can't just completely kick it to the curb ; )  ), but for today, it seems to be the best solution, and I think it will help lead me somewhere, wherever that may be. Oh the simple joys of [POSTGRAD] life, huh!? No one said it would be easy, that's for sure, but in the end, it will all be worth it. Life's a journey. Along the way, I'm going to just keep on living. And watching Sex and the City of course : ) 

Monday, September 13, 2010

If you don't like something, change it, and if you can't change it, change your attitude about it

I've been joking around an awful lot lately saying that I'll take my SEMO ADPi life back right about now...but a part of me is dying to be back there just for a little bit longer. I've waited and waited for graduation and being "grown up" and I really do love this exciting next step in my life, but I wish I had more time for FUN like I did in college! As I always mention, I am of course beyond excited for every step of the way getting to where I want to be in my life...but dang it sure is tough! No one said it would be easy, but my goodness. The grass certainly is not always greener on the other side that's for sure. The new job has been going well just a bit stressful at times, but that's too be expected. I am still open to any and all potential opportunities that I may come across along the way that will help lead me to where I really want to be. I've taken on so many new and big and important responsibilities since I graduated in May, and I think that they still have not all yet set in completely. It was a huge adjustment for me once everyone started heading back to school for the semester...and this time I just wasn't going. Instead of moving back into the ADPi house and preparing for recruitment I was starting my first full time job. While all of my friends and sorority sisters were worrying about what new girls were going to become members of ADPi, I was worrying about my first day of my new job, the new staff that I manage, benefits...stuff that I always heard my parents talking about...and from time to time thought about, but didn't realize how soon such things  would come. It seems like everyone always says this, but my biggest wish for each of you is to live each day and to live in the moment. I try so hard to do this myself, but sometimes it truly is so much harder than it seems, always wishing for something else, something more, something better. Especially to those of you in your senior year of college, make it your absolute best. I know I spent so much time focusing on job searching and getting things figured out my senior year, and I am glad I did, but I do certainly wish I could and would have spent more time realizing the fact that that was it. Now when I go back to SEMO for visits it will only be distant memories. It will be fun, but it won't be the same. But I will say right about now that a trip back to Cape is MUCH in need. I have not been back since the day after I graduated in May. That means I haven't been back in four months. That's the longest time I've gone without being in that town (despite my love/hate relationship with the town) in the past five years (aside from our drive through on the way to and from Memphis earlier this Summer). I am SO hoping that my job will allow me to go to Cape for Homecoming! College was a big part of my life, and it's a big part for many. I think that's one experience I will certainly never forget. I've experienced so many life changes in the past year, and I'm still trying hard to take everything in and figure everything out! I really love it when I stumble across good, inspirational quotes. I came across another one of my favorites today..."If you don't like something, change it, and if you can't change it, change your attitude about it." Something's gotta give here. Not quite sure what, but certainly something. I need to get back to figuring out this thing called life! Good luck to those of you trying to do to nothing other than the same! : )

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My passion is people

I am officially about to start week 4 of my new job at the Westin St. Louis which means I am almost one month in! These past few weeks have gone by far faster than expected. I have so much to get used to when it comes to the new job, especially when it comes to the schedule! I work a variety of AM/PM shifts so my schedule varies daily...whether I have to be there by 6 am and am off around 3 pm or I go in around 3 and am off around 11 or midnight. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but I think I prefer the AM shift (despite the fact that I don't exactly love waking up at 4am) because I like being home around 4 pm and having the rest of the day to get other stuff done. I am more of a morning person than I am a night person. Starting next week I think I will be starting to run my own shifts by myself! I am anxious yet excited about this all at the same time! Lot's of responsibility, but I am ready to take it on! This does mean, though, that I will likely be working a lot more of the pm shifts than the am shifts, but that's ok! I have enjoyed them both thus far...they are just two completely different atmospheres! Along with the crazy flexibility of the schedule, we don't necessarily get weekends off this week for example, I was off yesterday and that's basically my weekend, that of which will also be different each week. It's not a bad thing, just a lot to get used to!! As you all know my hopes are to one day be planning fabulous events (weddings, conventions, philanthropic, galas...all of the above!) so I clearly will be working many nights and weekends when called for which is something that I am expecting and ready to take on, but I do know that I will also have a fairly regular work schedule on top of that, while additionally coming in those nights and weekends for my events as needed. I am planning to continue to do everything in my power to work my way up to that point! I'm not sure how long it will take, but I think it will be worth it. And if I just so happen to find something else along the way that may even take me in a different path, I supposed I may accept that as well. Life is all about options and opportunities and I want nothing other than to experience these. It will certainly be (and already has been much of) a learning process along the way, but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and will somehow get me exactly where I wish to be. In the meantime, I plan to continue learning everything I possibly can to help get me there! I always hear that life is a journey...boy is that ever true. I shall continue to live each day for what it's worth! I tend to have a plan for everything in my life...whether it be on a day to day basis or for what I foresee in my future...but I am also beginning to learn that those plans are oftentimes not definite, and something even greater (or maybe not so great) may come up along the way, but, again, it's all a part of the process of getting there. I know what I think I want to be doing, but I may end up somewhere else doing something completely different than expected and loving it, but for now, I will continue with just what I think and hope for my future and see just where that may take me : ) 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Real life real soon

Well the new job officially starts on Monday! Wow! Everything in life is coming together and happening so fast it's almost hard to take it all in!  I truly could not be any happier to have all of the opportunities that I have been faced with over the past few months (or throughout my entire life for that matter)! My first shift begins Monday at 6 am. Hellloooo wake up call! My position at the Westin is the Outlets (Food & Beverages) Supervisor which means I will be overseeing the restaurant/bar/minibar/room service. Since both the individuals who were most recently in this position have been given promotions within the hotel, they need their new supervisors to start ASAP. The only problem is, they have yet to find supervisor #2 so I am diving right in! I feel like many of the things I do start out like this, yet I sort of like it because I'd rather jump right in and learn everything hands on (to some the hard way) as opposed to getting my feet a little wet and slowly learning the ropes. Don't get me wrong, there will be a lot of rope learning to be had in the next few weeks, but taking things face first will be the best way of doing it. It's going to be hard and probably a little rough at first, but to me that will only make things easier in the long run. There are two shifts a day for the supervisors and manager, one being 6 am - 2 pm and the other being 3 pm - 11 pm. Therefore, I am either working morning or night. It's kind of nice because the schedule will fluctuate and no matter which shift, I still have a full day to do other things whether it be in the morning or in the afternoon. It's certainly not a 9-5 job, that's for sure, but with what I want to do (plan events!) I might as well start getting used to it now! I will be saying goodbye to full fledged weekends for quite some time as we are given two days off each week, but it's always two different days (not your typical Saturday/Sunday weekend). I am excited about all of it though because it will be such a new and different experience and opportunity, and I cannot wait to see what it's all about! Luckily, I did not have to start in the midst of all of this weekend's Cards/Cubs madness downtown because with the Westin being directly across from the stadium, many people head there before or after the games. That would have been a lot to take in for day one with such a crazy downtown atmosphere the Cardinals and Cubs would have to offer! Although, it would have been fun because I was hoping to be downtown amidst all the madness, but they will be back in September so I am hoping to either some how snag some tickets, or hopefully I will be working! Since we get two days off each week, one of my two days off this week is somehow luckily Tuesday, which is my birthday! When asked which days I would like off, my manager suggested Tuesday may be a good day, and I proceeded to tell her that she was right, and that was my birthday : ) Lucky me! Not that I have any big plans for the big 2-3, but it will be a nice little present not having to worry about working that day! 
I can't wait to start off this new venture in my life! As always, I will of course keep you posted with more details. I was wondering when the next chapter in my life would officially begin, and I would say that this is it! I am going to be busy having a full time job, while also still doing some part time work with Performance Plus and Metromix whenever possible, but I am willing to make it happen (the same way I have done everything throughout my entire life!), and I cannot wait to see what outcomes these great continuing opportunities will bring me! 
Hello real life!! : )